Producing Cyprus Wine, M. Antoniades Winery Ltd, Cyprus - Limassol

M. Antoniades Winery - guestbook

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Name: Anatoly
From: Russia
E-mail: Contact
Hi from Russia! Merry Christmas! Sorry that did not send email in May 2013 immediately. Wine was delicious, all my friends estimated taste of your wine. We wish you success in your business.

Anatoly and my wife Maria from Russia

Added: January 9, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Mathieu
From: Reims (France)
E-mail: Contact
Nous sommes passés vous voir fin octobre. Malgré l'heure tardive vous avez pris le temps de nous faire visiter votre domaine et nous donner des explications sur vos méthodes de vinifications.
Nous les avons appréciés et avons regretté de ne pouvoir en prendre plus.
Meilleurs vœux de bonne année 2015
Added: January 4, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Alexandros-Skevi
From: nicosia
E-mail: Contact
We visited Antoniades winery the last days of November.
We found our way there accidentally, as we were touring around the area. And it was totally worth the quest in the narrow roads of Mandria.
Mrs Antoniades (and her lovely cats) show as around the winery, solving many questions of ours, concerning the procedure of making wine.
At the end of the tour, we enjoyed the lovely view of the nearby mountains from the balcony of the first floor.
The wine testing was more like a friendly chat among people that love wine, than a typical wine testing procedure, and we really enjoyed it.
From all the fine products of Antoniades winery, we choose to take with us zivania, that it taste was not even close to what we have taste so far, nama (that's an alternative name for cumandaria that it is not produced in the specific cumandaria origin area) to accompany the cold winter Cyprus nights ( ).
We also took a bottle of champagne, that we save it for new years eve to drink it in the good health of those people that seem to love and enjoy their job so much.
Added: December 9, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Оксана Викторовна Ковриго
E-mail: Contact
Hallo Marios!!!!
How are you??? We visited you this summer and bought your wine. Wine very much was pleasant to us. We send you the photos with you.
Best regards!!!
Added: December 5, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Anastasia & Anastasia
From: Russia
E-mail: Contact
Were in the winery in July 2014. were impressed by the friendly of the owner, a beautiful view and great wine. We had guided tour around winery, talk about the production of wine, tasting it, despite the fact that it was too late-8pm, and owner must have been tired and wanted relax. thank you very much, be sure we'll come again!
Added: October 20, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Ewa Olszewska
From: Polland
E-mail: Contact
Dear Marios,
I am sorry for writing so late but we have been very busy with work after we came back home from our wonderful vacation in Cyprus.
Wine we got in your beautiful winery was great and we enjoyed being there as well. Thank you for your marvellous hospitality. Attached 2 pictures.
Please, let us know whenever you decide to visit Poland. You are more than welcome.
Stay well.
Best regards from all of us.

Added: October 11, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Oksana and Andrei
From: Krasnoyarsk, Rossiya
E-mail: Contact
Здравствуйт е, мы были у вас в гостях в начале сентября 2014 года. До сих пор вспоминаем вашу доброту, ваши улыбки и тепло вашей души. Вы так тепло и радушно встретили нас, что сердце наше наполнилось еще большей любовью к вашей стране. Спасибо вам за прекрасное общение, за великолепно е вино!!! Здесь, в России мы много раз рассказывал и о вас и о Кипре своим друзьям за бокалом вкуснейшего вина, которое вы с такой любовью сделали для нас. Спасибо вам огромное! И пусть Господь хранит вас и вашу семью!!!!
Added: September 23, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Maria & Constandine
From: Cyprus
E-mail: Contact
A great place we found by accident in the forest, a lovely tour, great people and great wine. One of our vacation's highlights for sure. Keep up the great work you guys!
Added: September 1, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Frank & Christiane
From: Germany
Somewhere in the mountains, nice, quite und beautiful. Thank you for your friendly host and the time you spent with us. In the End of June we enjoyed our visit very much and the lovely way you showed your winery. You told us many interesting facts about your business,about wine. It was very interesting!
Our favourite: Antoniades commandaria (NAMA).
If you are ever in Cyprus, this is a MUST.
Frank & Christiane
Added: August 21, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: R.Stephan-Discoteam
E-mail: Contact
thank you for the good time during my contact in your winery last monday. I enjoy the time and your friendlyness. Your wines are really good and I like it to drink them with friends und clients.

Added: August 19, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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