Producing Cyprus Wine, M. Antoniades Winery Ltd, Cyprus - Limassol

M. Antoniades Winery - guestbook

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Number of entries: 197 Number of pages: 20
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Name: Sergey, Tanya
From: Moscow, Russia
E-mail: Contact
Были в сентябре 2021 г. Очень приветливый хозяин провёл интересную экскурсию и рассказал про все этапы изготовлени я вина. Все очень понравилось жалеем только о том, что мало купили отличного и вкусного вина. В следующее посещение Кипра, обязательно заедем.
Added: November 6, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: kees & mariandel
From: the netherlands rotterdam
E-mail: Contact
Very nice winery. A lot of information about the making of the wine.Very friendly couple.
It's a small winery but it's worth a detour and very important, friendly prices.
Added: October 8, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Speakerpfb
From: Speakerpfb
E-mail: Contact
works of art.
Added: October 5, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Sergei, Ekaterina, Taisiia
From: Russia
E-mail: Contact
Почему-то не получается разместить наше небольшое сообщение. Тогда, совсем коротко. Всем рекомендуем эту винодельню. Замечательн ые хозяева, прекрасные вина.
For some reason, it is not possible to post our small message. Then, very shortly. We recommend this winery to everyone. Great hosts, great wines.
Added: September 11, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Sergei, Ekaterina, Taisiia
From: Russia
E-mail: Contact

Private post. Click to view.

Added: September 11, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Brent & Georgina
From: London
E-mail: Contact
Thank you for a very informative tour and great chat while sampling you delicious wines.
We can't wait to open the red & white wines that we have brought back home with us.
Brent & Georgina
London (& New Zealand)
Added: August 23, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Klaudia
From: Poland
It was really nice time spent here - special atmosphere and good wine!
Added: July 18, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Cyril and Natalia
this is Cyril and Natalia. thank you for the wine and good attitude! these two visits were very important for us and the brightest of our trip! you are wonderful hosts! thanks for the baked goods, she saved us from hunger at the airport ..
Added: April 26, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Ake and Gun Sandberg
From: Sweden
E-mail: Contact
Thank you for a nice visit. We loved your hospitality as well as your wines. Especially your Nama wine.
Added: October 25, 2019 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Анна
From: Россия
E-mail: Contact
Отдыхали на Кипре и захотели побывать на местной винодельни. Тщательно исследовала на просторах интернета информацию про разные винодельни и выбор пал на Antoniades winery. Доехали мы туда без проблем. Как только зашли на территорию нас сразу позвал хозяин к себе. Рассказал и показал все процессы изготовлени я вина, было очень интересно на втором этаже уютное помещение, где мы продегустир овали все сорта вин. Осталось очень хорошее впечатление от самого места и от хозяина данной винодельни, не зря выбор пал на нее. Всем советую.
Added: October 2, 2019 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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